I am a theatre-maker, playwright, and dramaturg. When the sun is high, I am an engineer. The dialectic between these two worlds powers my thoughts and ideas which often coalesce into an exciting performative narrative in my head.
I graduated with an MLitt in Playwriting & Dramaturgy at the University of Glasgow in 2017.
I have written three performed plays: A Journey Around My Room for Stark Theatre in 2016 about the French Revolution; Hollow for Govanhill Theatre in 2016 about the 2008 financial crash; and They’ll Get You Now You’re Gone in 2018, a post-modern play on vaulting ambition and its far reaching effects on communities.
I am a founding member of Stark Theatre and helped develop 6 productions between 2007 and 2016.
The stories I tell are framed using a Brechtian style dramaturgy. I aim to engage an audience so that they too have to make decisions. My interest lies in the gap between here and now, between modernism and post-modernism; between us and them.
My new audio play A Journey Around My Room - adapted from the stage play - is available on the ‘Place’ page. (www.burnhamdramaturgy.com/place)